Saturday 28 April 2007

TV and Eating

In your never-ending, nearly obsessive pursuit for the ideal body shape, you never thought much about how your TV watching was very much part of your eating ritual.

Perhaps over the years, you unconsciously related eating and watching TV as one and the same thing. Observe that TV watching and eating is very much alike. One is the consumption of images, sounds, and concepts, and the other is the ingesting of foodstuffs and liquid. None of them is always beneficial or detrimental, but both are processes of making something external into part of us.

The problem is that your awareness tends to be rather one-pointed. That is to say, if you are watching TV and eating at the same time, you can only be totally engage with and aware of one of them at any time. In your case, TV usually got the upper hand. As a result, you would be paying more attention to the TV, and be quite oblivious to the food that you are eating. You would be unaware of its texture, smell, and taste, etc.

The unfortunate thing is that if you are watching TV for two or three hours, you would also be continuously eating for that same duration. It is just a habit that you never questioned. Why you would watch so much TV would be another article for another day.

The funny thing is that you attempted all kinds of diets and exercises, while leaving the TV-eating connection intact. You would force yourself to eat less or follow a very rigid schedule, or do a new kind of exercise, but you would still eat and watch TV at the same time. Of course, as you can guess, the attempts were quite futile.

Without disconnecting the association between TV watching and eating, your attempt for health and fitness would be in vain.

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