Saturday 28 April 2007

Freedom and Binges

You have always been puzzled by the uncontrollable binges that are plaguing you to no end. Please understand that your binges are caused by a lack of freedom you placed on yourself. You have never allowed yourself the freedom to eat whatever, whenever, and wherever so that it would be appropriate for your body and the particular condition in which you found yourself.

Such lack of freedom, of course, comes from your sincere but misguided desire to be physically perfect by controlling your diet in all ways conceivable. From this lack of freedom, your mind is constantly fearful of being starved of energy or some particular types of food, be it sweet or oily or otherwise. Hence, your mind is constantly looking for opportunities to stuff itself with all kinds of food, which might be prohibited by you in the next moment. This translates very literally into what you would call the Binges. All binges are caused by a fearful mind weary of scarcity and uncertainty.

As binges caused discomfort and guilt, you immediately force yourself into starvation mode by food type, portion, or by time. So you swing between starvation and binges, and you become the diet yo-yo, which is most detrimental to your well-being.

What is the only way to stop this pointless and desperate cycle? You must allow yourself the freedom to eat whatever, whenever, and wherever, unconditionally. Only in such total freedom and assurance, would your mind disengage from the ever-fearful grasping, and allow your physical body to have a say in what, when, and where to eat. From this lack of freedom, you have totally lost touch with your natural biological need in terms of nutrition, and you have totally lost the ability to listen to your body’s guidance on the diet most suitable to you under different circumstances.

It is now time to free yourself. You have always wanted freedom, but you never gave yourself any freedom to eat. Let this be the first freedom you give yourself, and there will be many more hereafter.

Freedom and Control

Whenever you have forgotten about your freedom to eat anything, anytime, anywhere, you invariably slip into insecurity and fear without your slightest knowing. As a result, you begin the hide and seek with food again, not knowing when to stop, and constantly wanting more, stomach stretched beyond capacity, but mind starved as forever.

Why is this so? Why is the mind unable to hear the utterance of the body? Why does it constantly want more?

It is because the mind is fearful that it might not be able to have anything the next moment. You must always remind yourself, “I am free to eat anything, anytime, anywhere.” Let this thought live deeply in your mind, and live there forever, so that the mind will cease controlling pointlessly, and allow your body the freedom to respond appropriately.

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