Saturday 28 April 2007

Purpose of Eating

You have never really thought about the purpose of your eating, and you have frequently used food and eating as means to stimulate, numb, distract, and binge. To you, eating occasionally serves the purpose of physical nourishment, but mostly for the purpose of unenlightenment. Your regularly aimless eating had made you restless most of the time.

Without clear and well-defined purpose, your activity will bring you equally chaotic result at the end. Your purpose for eating should be positive, upward and forward looking.

Remember that you do not eat in different ways to be thin or full, but you eat in the right way so that you will feel maximum aliveness, clarity, and light. Observe your body and be aware. If your body and mind do not feel maximum aliveness, clarity, and light from your eating activity, then take a timeout, so that you can feel your center again and return to your sense of aliveness, clarity, and light.

Then when the time is right, try again.

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